March 4, 2014

Eight Months

My boys are seeming less and less baby-like. It helps that they don't have a lot of fat (David just looks like a little kid with his skinny little abs)...

David is not quite crawling yet, but he is dragging himself fast enough to disappear within a minute. He's definitely an explorer. We always have our gate (and our guard) up now. His hair is still a mohawk but it's getting longer...

Harrison is just learning how to crawl and is still perfecting it.  He is already pushing himself into sitting position and trying to stand. So that's scary.

He's just a sweetheart younger brother and I love it.

Thanks Auntie Serenity for the cool mustache shirts! They've used them well. (This is the only picture I could get that wasn't blurry...sorry David won't show his)

They are finally on a great schedule that I hope lasts a couple more months. They take two naps a day, they sleep about 11 hours at night, and they have 4 bottles and 3 meals a day. They have caught up in weight and height and they are learning fast. I feel pretty good and actually proud of myself for having them on the same schedule - and a good one at that. 
Honestly, it's hard as a mom (just as it is in most experiences in life I think) to know what you're doing right or if you're doing ANYTHING right. 
The main thing I have to remember as a mom is to not compare myself or my kids to anyone else (or anyone else's kids). That always destroys my confidence and consistency. When I start to stress about them learning this and that it becomes forced and I can actually see my boys picking up on my stress. The flow is gone. They learn when they are ready. I am not an uptight person and sometimes I wonder if I need to be that type of person to get more things done. But it's actually the opposite! I get more things done when I relax, and if I don't, I'm not freaking out about it. I have to remind myself that I can only do well being myself. Everyone benefits from that. So that has been my main focus recently between all the goals I have and ways I want to live my life. 
Be yourself, be yourself, be yourselffff....

On another note: I am so done with all this snow and I gladly welcome all the birds and bees and rabbits and chipmunks. I just want to go outside with my kids!!! It's pretty hard to take two little boys that don't walk yet out in the snow. So thanks snow, come again... just kidding, don't.

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