December 23, 2012

Mason Jars

So, I have an obsession with mason jars. It becomes more clear every time I see one, or notice how many cool pictures of them I have or how many I have in my house. 

Here are some beautiful pictures that you can admire. (Or maybe I'll just admire them)...

I also love sunflowers.
 The one on the right was taken at my wedding. I had flowers in jars and floating candles in jars. And string and twine kind of like the picture on the left.

Oh! And Dave and I made these on a date a long time ago (my idea, obviously) and we still have them. It's a really cool night light idea - Saves energy!

They can also make good gifts (if you are the type that likes to make things for people instead of buy things. I am) You just need Mason Jars and glow paint. I tried to make mine look more swirly like The Starry Night. Dave put words on his.
So, yeah. It's cool.

December 7, 2012

Wedding video

This is a little piece of our wedding video. FINALLY!!!! :) I just cried cried cried it made me so happy. David makes me more happy than I've ever been. I am so proud of him for being so committed, honest, and hardworking in everything he does. He teaches me new things every day. And we both know it's just going to get better and better. I can't wait for every day of the rest of my life with him. Okay okay, I'm done :) Enjoy.

December 1, 2012


I got new glasses today. Not too shabby.