March 23, 2013

Happy Moments

Today marks one year since the day that my husband, whom I love SO much and is my best friend and soulmate, made me the happiest girl in the entire universe and asked me to marry him. He makes me melt. That is probably the most accurate way to describe the way I feel about him.

I have some dang fun memories, but my very happiest moments are with him. This is one of them:

I know your wedding day is supposed to be "the best day of your life," but I remember moments more than days. Being sealed to David was the most incredible moment I have experienced. Seeing my whole family cherishing me and our moment was another amazing moment. Running off to our hotel and buying a bunch of junk food before was one of the most fun and scary moments I remember. And these moments and feelings with Dave have been so pure in a way I've never fathomed and I'll never forget them.

But every time I think of the day I met Dave I think, that was the best day of my life. The day I found him. I remember it so well. That may sound funny, but I knew it was the beginning of something extraordinary. It was the most exciting time. I've already told you the story a few posts ago. It was like I knew everything was going to be okay, as long as I kept this man in my life and fought for him. 
And I knew loved ones were watching, ones that have passed and ones that have been waiting to come here. It's like they were saying "Here they are, in the same room. Finally. I am so happy." And I felt that one other time - when we were sealed. 
I think my boys were some of those people, saying finally. And now I am saying finally, because they are with me. I'm so glad Dave and I fought for each other even through our fears and the hard times we gave each other! And that I get to have happy moments with him forever.

March 16, 2013

For Your Health!

Lemon Kale Salad:
Kale is one of the superest super foods you can eat! And it's got a lot of iron so pregnant women should definitely find ways to eat it, especially if you don't eat meat or just don't get a lot of meat or fish regularly. And it's got LOADS of vitamin K which helps prevent blood clotting, which is also especially beneficial for pregnant ladies!
This is totally awesome and I eat it every day now after work. I love sour things and spicy things (I feel bad for my boys), and this is definitely sour for most people, so feel free to experiment. Add more or less of whatever you want. Maybe start by only adding one tablespoon of lemon juice and go from there.

One bunch of Kale
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
(You could also add things like fruit or crushed almonds - as long as it works with lemon!)

Thoroughly rinse kale, and rip into 1 inch pieces. Paper towel dry. Throw in a medium/large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. With hands, mix and massage the kale until every piece is a wet and vibrant green. Taste test one or two pieces to see if it is to your satisfaction. Adjust if necessary, and enjoy!
*You can also bake for 10-15 minutes on a baking sheet at 350 degrees and see if you like that texture/taste better!

Note: I don't make this much every time. Most of the time it's just for me so I usually make it in the bowl you see in the picture. It's always good to use a deeper bowl so you have enough room to mix and don't make a mess. And since I use a smaller bowl and portion, I just guess how much oil, lemon, and salt I should add and it is usually just right, so measurements don't matter as much as just adding however much you like of what you like.

March 12, 2013

The Boys

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are having TWO FRATERNAL BOYS!

I get more and more excited every minute. I have 6 nephews and I LOVE them, and I have always wanted boys, so I feel so peaceful. I am going to love them so much it's insane. And of course Dave is ecstatic. He is going to be an amazing dad, I knew from the beginning. He is so loving. I know they will love us too.

They are both 6 inches now (yeah last time I was wrong. I said each baby was 6 inches but I meant both altogether measured 6 inches).

They are still due August 8th, which is a full 40 week pregnancy, but the doctor said that all they can usually aim for with twins is getting them to 36 weeks, so they might come a whole month earlier than that. Who knows. Here are a few pictures:

^ Baby B was the first one we found out was a boy. He is beautiful.

^ Baby A took a lot longer to turn in a way for us to see his little weewee! Dave loves this picture because we watched the baby put his hand up to his chin in "The Thinker" pose. He is looking up and you can see his eye and his arm bent up and his fingers holding his chin. And you can see all his bones! He may look starved it's just the angle. He has another picture that looks much more like Baby B.

^ I love this. We got a picture of both boys' feet, but this one was funny because the toes were wiggling in a way that Dave wiggles his toes all the time. It was so cute I squealed...
Can you see the two bent legs and the foot on the left side?

March 8, 2013

Ode to my cat

I really just want people to know about this...

I miss my cat right now. He would love my babes.

Also here is a picture of me with a previous cat I had:

March 3, 2013


1. I've gained 10 lbs.
2. I've only got three pairs of pants left. Good thing two of those are maternity pants so let's hope those last a long time...
3. I can feel them flipping around and kicking, not from the outside, just from the inside. It feels like popcorn popping a few times.
4. We get to find out in a week what the genders are.
5. I have heartburn every night.
6. I have headaches every day.
7. I could eat a double cheeseburger with chili fries and a shake, and be hungry again in 30 minutes.
8. At 14 weeks I was 15 cm - I'm 18 weeks now - and a singleton pregnant girl I know measured 16 cm at 18 weeks. So I measure about a month ahead of girls pregnant with one baby. There's some perspective.
9. I already pee a little when I sneeze or cough.
10. I'm learning how to have a pretty healthy lifestyle. Everyone should just be on a pregnancy diet (without the trying to get 600 extra calories a day part).

March 2, 2013


So I changed my blog around a little bit.....okay, a lot. I like change. It's fun.

People here like to call us the Young Smiths because we live very close to and are in the same church ward as Dave's parents, so his parents are implied as the Old Smiths (they don't like to say it though), and that is how we all know which couple they're talking about. And I am down with that. Plus, we are going to have more than two kids, so "+2" could not last.

I will also be starting the process of selling my artwork with the help of this blog. Once the babies come I will be a stay-at-home-mom for a very long time, and we will need as much money as we can get. So I want to make money doing something I can do in the house, and something I am passionate about! These months leading up to childbirth will probably be much more productive than the months after childbirth, so I'll shovel out art pieces as often as I can.

***Let me interrupt this news with more news: I just felt the babies kicking for the third time***

Anyway, I only have one scanned right now. Here it is:

This is watercolor and ink, like the Jonsi drawing I did for Dave. 
Dimensions: 14"x17"
Price: $25
I can have it framed or printed however you like. There are still some details I need to work out - mostly involving shipping. Like I said, I'm just starting. It's a work in progress, but I will have more pieces scanned shortly. I have more graphite and ink pieces than color pieces. For now. Any questions or requests, comment below!