March 2, 2013


So I changed my blog around a little bit.....okay, a lot. I like change. It's fun.

People here like to call us the Young Smiths because we live very close to and are in the same church ward as Dave's parents, so his parents are implied as the Old Smiths (they don't like to say it though), and that is how we all know which couple they're talking about. And I am down with that. Plus, we are going to have more than two kids, so "+2" could not last.

I will also be starting the process of selling my artwork with the help of this blog. Once the babies come I will be a stay-at-home-mom for a very long time, and we will need as much money as we can get. So I want to make money doing something I can do in the house, and something I am passionate about! These months leading up to childbirth will probably be much more productive than the months after childbirth, so I'll shovel out art pieces as often as I can.

***Let me interrupt this news with more news: I just felt the babies kicking for the third time***

Anyway, I only have one scanned right now. Here it is:

This is watercolor and ink, like the Jonsi drawing I did for Dave. 
Dimensions: 14"x17"
Price: $25
I can have it framed or printed however you like. There are still some details I need to work out - mostly involving shipping. Like I said, I'm just starting. It's a work in progress, but I will have more pieces scanned shortly. I have more graphite and ink pieces than color pieces. For now. Any questions or requests, comment below!

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