December 23, 2012

Mason Jars

So, I have an obsession with mason jars. It becomes more clear every time I see one, or notice how many cool pictures of them I have or how many I have in my house. 

Here are some beautiful pictures that you can admire. (Or maybe I'll just admire them)...

I also love sunflowers.
 The one on the right was taken at my wedding. I had flowers in jars and floating candles in jars. And string and twine kind of like the picture on the left.

Oh! And Dave and I made these on a date a long time ago (my idea, obviously) and we still have them. It's a really cool night light idea - Saves energy!

They can also make good gifts (if you are the type that likes to make things for people instead of buy things. I am) You just need Mason Jars and glow paint. I tried to make mine look more swirly like The Starry Night. Dave put words on his.
So, yeah. It's cool.

December 7, 2012

Wedding video

This is a little piece of our wedding video. FINALLY!!!! :) I just cried cried cried it made me so happy. David makes me more happy than I've ever been. I am so proud of him for being so committed, honest, and hardworking in everything he does. He teaches me new things every day. And we both know it's just going to get better and better. I can't wait for every day of the rest of my life with him. Okay okay, I'm done :) Enjoy.

December 1, 2012


I got new glasses today. Not too shabby. 

November 29, 2012


I wake up really early every day now and hang out with intelligent/socially awkward/silly people and plant things so I can test them for nematodes and other parasites. I'm tired most of the time, but I'm also learning a lot of cool things and it's fun so the days go pretty fast. Anyway, that's where I've been. 
Plus Thanksgiving weekend was really fun. Dave's sister was in town and we were out and about so much I almost forgot what our house looked like. 

Also, I finally got to make dinner tonight - which I haven't been able to do in a while. We haven't had any money so his parents were feeding us dinner until I started working at the Greek restaurant nearby and was able to bring home food every night. I worked until 7 or 8 every night too. Now I have an awesome job that ends at four every day! We are finally getting settled in to this town and feeling the blessings of good choices. That's all for now folks.

November 19, 2012

Strawberry Square :)

November 14, 2012

November 10, 2012

Skateboarding: Kilian Martin

Since I don't have ramps nearby anymore, maybe I can learn this style of street skating...

November 6, 2012

Election Day

We voted today. We are very excited.

November 5, 2012

"Rainy Monday"

I haven't listened to this band in a while, but since I got to talk to one of my best friends in the whole world, Kelsey, on the phone tonight she told me there was a new album. We have always wanted to see this band together (our dream was to see them and The Sounds in the same actually happened once but we were in high school and couldn't go - it was a very sad day). I'm excited to see how this album turned out. Hopefully better than their last one. 
Check them out.

November 4, 2012

This goes along with my last post. It's for Bella.

October 31, 2012

Halloween Wednesday

Kind of had an off day. But I got home from work just in time to pass out candy to kids with Dave. And then we watched the third and fourth Twilight movies. The first one was on TV the other day, we watched it for laughs, and Dave was actually intrigued. He really likes the story now. I do too. Except Bella basically gets to be with both Edward AND Jacob forever because now Jacob helps protect Bella. What a whore.  When you're married you're married. You pick one and go, man. 
But besides that, I also like seeing their acting improve. 

This is funny:

"Due to the attention the First Lady brought to the problem of child obesity, I have decided to hand out healthy snacks this year. However, due to her husband's economic policies I am unable to afford said healthy snacks or tooth rotting candy. Sorry, tell your parents to vote republican next time."

Happy Halloween!

October 28, 2012

We are getting ready for Hurricane Sandy. It is very dark outside right now. The thick clouds are covering the moon.

I have never been in a hurricane, and Harrisburg is not usually the target of a storm. We are going to bring all the chairs and the grill inside, and put all the rugs and electronics in the basement up high. We are filling our gas tanks and charging our phones and computers.

I think everything will be fine, but I really have no idea. I just have faith. If you think of us, say a little prayer for us. 

October 27, 2012

New York

New York is awesome!

October 16, 2012

Tasty Tuesday

Found this. I love slow cooking, and if I ever get the money/time I want to go to culinary school. This will help me be legitified.

October 14, 2012

Oreo Cake Bars

I haven't tried these yet, but I can't wait till I do. I don't think I would add the chocolate chips at the end though. I just love oreos too much.

October 11, 2012


I love this movie. I don't think it's very realistic, but hey, isn't that what movies are for? And Ellen Paige is one of those celebrities that I feel would be one of my best friends if not for the celebrity part.

October 10, 2012

                    We went to a Halloween parade last night. October is the best month.

                               And there was a Chic-fil-A float! They threw us a football.

October 9, 2012

Triumphant Tuesday

The previous post is a cool picture of a clay elephant. I am starting pottery at an art school nearby as soon as I get enough money. I am really into creating things and getting my hands dirty, which is why I love painting. Which is why I'm really excited to sculpt.

I applied for a job at 7 places today so hopefully I'll get to start saving soon :) 

October 8, 2012


I lerv elephants.

October 4, 2012

These are the streets I drive now. Maybe I should start dressing like Jane Austen.

October 3, 2012

Before we made the big move to PA, we visited my family in CA. We love the show "Arrested Development" so I took him to Balboa Island where the show is frequently set. And we got a frozen banana.

October 1, 2012

The Sounds

For Music Monday, I must praise my favorite band of all time - The Sounds. They will get you pumped up for anything. They're from Sweden, and their shows are amazing and interactive. The music is satisfying no matter what mood you're in. 

The first album I ever heard was Dying To Say This To You. It is their second album. If you want pure joy in your life, go buy every album from them immediately.

Music Monday

I heard this on an "old school and R&B" station somewhere along the 4-day drive to Pennsylvania. Let it ravage your soul.

September 30, 2012

Starter Sunday

Today is Sunday, and I just created this blog. I am currently sitting in the living room of my new house in Pennsylvania with my husband (Dave), father-in-law (Bob), and sister-in-law (Michelle). Dave and I just moved into his parents house because they are buying a new one and we got lucky enough to keep their old one (where Dave and all his siblings grew up). My family is from Southern California, so this will be a big change for me. Dave and I met in Utah while we were going to school. One month after I moved to Utah my friend Andy told me to come to his band's show. Dave was the keyboardist, and he was fun and eccentric. I knew I was going to have him from the moment I saw him. Cheesy, but so true. That was in February 2011, and this is how far we've come. Follow us throughout our journey.