January 14, 2013

A Peaceful Thought

"...When those you care about and whose opinion you respect suddenly turns against you or your loved ones, it hurts immensely. But you can't let that one moment bring you down, at least not for too long because nothing comes from sitting around feeling miserable. Know and love them enough to understand that because you are in their life, you may sometimes be the target. Sometimes you are in someone's life to be the lesson or learn from it. Sometimes you will weather it together and other times not. You can never be on the same page in life and can't force someone along a path they aren't willing to take. But if you can't keep them in your life, always keep them in your heart. Always love them but love yourself more to keep yourself from hurt. That way you never close the door that they may want to open again one day." - my friend Melissa

This struck me. I didn't necessarily NEED this, but it is a very peaceful way of thinking. It reminds me of good times and bad times, good people and bad people, people in my life, and people who were once in my life that I don't know if I'll ever see again. And I want to put this on my blog so I can always remember this thought and maybe spread some peace to other hearts as well.

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