March 3, 2013


1. I've gained 10 lbs.
2. I've only got three pairs of pants left. Good thing two of those are maternity pants so let's hope those last a long time...
3. I can feel them flipping around and kicking, not from the outside, just from the inside. It feels like popcorn popping a few times.
4. We get to find out in a week what the genders are.
5. I have heartburn every night.
6. I have headaches every day.
7. I could eat a double cheeseburger with chili fries and a shake, and be hungry again in 30 minutes.
8. At 14 weeks I was 15 cm - I'm 18 weeks now - and a singleton pregnant girl I know measured 16 cm at 18 weeks. So I measure about a month ahead of girls pregnant with one baby. There's some perspective.
9. I already pee a little when I sneeze or cough.
10. I'm learning how to have a pretty healthy lifestyle. Everyone should just be on a pregnancy diet (without the trying to get 600 extra calories a day part).

1 comment:

  1. Don't be mad I love your blog even though we have probably only talked in real life about twice. I just think you're cute and you and Dave are cute and I am just so excited for you to have babies. You two are cool.
