June 25, 2013

34 weeks: Getting Weak

Some realities about being very pregnant with twins:

I've gained 50 lbs, and I am getting very tired. You're all thinking, well duh. But tired now summarizes these things:
>Waking up from contractions
>Waking up from pain of having to eat and urinate.
(for some reasons these two things are illuminated at night. I sleep like a baby kitten all day)
>Taking exhausting and painful showers because my feet and legs swell so bad that it feels like needles are poking me.
>If I go out in the daytime (it's at least 90 here like every day now) I almost die... I have to go recover by lying in bed with my feet way up and the AC on and a fan on me.
>I can't pick up anything heavier than like 15 lbs or I could go into labor, and I can't do the dishes or make dinner by myself.
>I HATE if I drop something.

This is a very mild version of what happens to my feet. I'm lying in the mother room at church. I'm done teaching as of last week. Yes, one of my sandals fell off...

I am aware that this is basically a big fat post complaining about my current lifestyle and that may be annoying, but it's just getting really hard mentally, physically, and emotionally. I cried last night before getting in the shower because I knew it was going to be hard and my feet were going to be in pain. I can't take a bath because I can't even bend down low enough to get in. Dave's tried to help.
Being this weak is terrifying. It's frustrating and overwhelming. I am getting a sense of what it's like to be physically disabled and I have a new understanding and respect for people that do.
We haven't been going out to sit-down restaurants because I can't sit in a 90 degree angle without the babies shoving into my ribs, my tailbone being sore, or my feet swelling up. I want to go swimming but being outside in this heat and sun is not even worth it. We are very limited right now to the things we can go do. We can't even go anywhere that requires more than 5 minutes of walking.

And I am so grateful that my disability is temporary and that I have someone to help me through this.
Last night Dave sat me down and blew my hair dry for me after I showered.

Yesterday the doc told me I was a little dilated so it's a good thing my body wants to rest so much. I need to. Good thing we have lots of books and I got more yarn to make the second boy's blanket:

I'm also remaking the first one which you'll see later.


  1. you are awesome!! Keep up the grueling work of motherhood! It is all consuming right now. You will feel a million times better when they are out...for real, I promise! We are so proud of you and the tiny voices at our house pray for the 4 of you every day! Love you!

  2. I hope you are getting regular appointments with the doctor and they are checking you for preeclampsia. You are describing exactly what happened to me before they admitted me, except I had really high blood pressure. If you have that too, go in! Good luck on this last stretch!!!

  3. Thanks! Yeah I thought maybe that's what it was but he checked on Monday and it was 120 over 60 something. Totally normal! And it's great because Dave's dad has one that hooks up to his phone so I've been checking it a lot. I have weekly appointments (although even that seems far apart now). I have an ultrasound at the hospital next week :)
