June 21, 2014

Tired Saturdays

Shirt: saltandpeppertees Shoes: lifeslittlethrills

Today is a cloudy, rainy day just like the one above, except Dave works and we are not going to an awesome breakfast place or seeing a fountain with blue water. Saturdays are usually hard because even though Dave gets off earlier than most days of the week, it's the weekend and I'm tired. My plan today is to go walk on Main and find a coffee shop or diner where we can get some food. The boys (and I) NEED lots of adventure and new things so one of my new year's resolutions was to go somewhere new every week, even if it's on the same block I've been on plenty of times. I haven't done it every week. Most times it's not intended; I don't keep track. But just having that goal written down pushes me to think creatively.

Saturday is the usual day that the poke in the eye or the kick in the crotch is extra annoying. Most things like that are accidental, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Saturday is when I'm too tired to do the dishes or run around with my kids. Our play time involves a whole lot of me lying on the floor singing badly to them or dying slowly from punches and body slams. It's a day when I hear them crying and hate everything - including myself for being so imperfect. Or today - David wakes up from their nap after only 30-45 minutes each time and leaves me with lots of unfinished things and uttering the words WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME. And then I change one diaper while the other baby takes out all the wipes or finds the one thing that's most harmful in the room for them so I have to stop what I'm doing and take it from him so he can cry and the other one can get away butt naked. Despite all the extremely frustrating, exhausting, and painful things I go through day to day, I still can't get over how cute they are or how much I want to pinch that little butt trying to get away. Yes, I have plenty of days I fantasize about not having kids and all the glorious things I would do with my time, but I can still do most things if I put my mind to it. And I plan on sharing lots of adventures with them as they get older, because they're my best friends. I think moms with young kids have the hardest job out there. I don't know what it's like having older kids and I know there are lots of older people who would quickly rebuttal "Well you JUST WAIT till they're (insert age group hardest for them to parent).
But I am not them! Everyone has different challenges, and I am excited to have conversations with my little friends when they're older. I feel like I'm just talking to myself most of the time.

Hope someone is living it up somewhere new today.

P.S. My kids are screaming at me as I finish this post. 

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