March 16, 2013

For Your Health!

Lemon Kale Salad:
Kale is one of the superest super foods you can eat! And it's got a lot of iron so pregnant women should definitely find ways to eat it, especially if you don't eat meat or just don't get a lot of meat or fish regularly. And it's got LOADS of vitamin K which helps prevent blood clotting, which is also especially beneficial for pregnant ladies!
This is totally awesome and I eat it every day now after work. I love sour things and spicy things (I feel bad for my boys), and this is definitely sour for most people, so feel free to experiment. Add more or less of whatever you want. Maybe start by only adding one tablespoon of lemon juice and go from there.

One bunch of Kale
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
1/4 tsp Sea Salt
(You could also add things like fruit or crushed almonds - as long as it works with lemon!)

Thoroughly rinse kale, and rip into 1 inch pieces. Paper towel dry. Throw in a medium/large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. With hands, mix and massage the kale until every piece is a wet and vibrant green. Taste test one or two pieces to see if it is to your satisfaction. Adjust if necessary, and enjoy!
*You can also bake for 10-15 minutes on a baking sheet at 350 degrees and see if you like that texture/taste better!

Note: I don't make this much every time. Most of the time it's just for me so I usually make it in the bowl you see in the picture. It's always good to use a deeper bowl so you have enough room to mix and don't make a mess. And since I use a smaller bowl and portion, I just guess how much oil, lemon, and salt I should add and it is usually just right, so measurements don't matter as much as just adding however much you like of what you like.

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