One of my craziest experiences so far was last week when I was alone with the boys in the house.
I was watching TV (something I hadn't done in a while) and one of the boys started crying. It was David.
It was just about time for them to eat so I decide to grab him and go to the living room where the most comfortable chair is for nursing (it takes them a while to eat and be full... they are still so little they fall asleep a lot). I start nursing David and after only a couple of minutes Harrison wakes up. Now he's crying.
I realize I did not think ahead...
I now have to maneuver David -who has just started to eat and be happy- off the nursing pillow and in a strong football hold in one arm while keeping him latched so that I can go upstairs and get Harrison without disturbing David's mealtime.
I successfully make it upstairs without disturbing him. And now I'm looking at Harrison...wondering how to retrieve him. I make several attempts at picking him up with my one other arm, and fail. So I decide it is necessary to detach from David. I quickly put him down next to Harrison in the crib and swoop them both up in my arms. I quite literally laughed a loud, triumphant laugh as I carried them downstairs.
I haven't figured out how to breastfeed both of them at the same time without someone positioning me first, so I set David in his bouncer and get a bottle of my previously pumped milk out and warm it up (slowly heat it in a mug of hot water - thankfully I have a bottle-warmer now) while holding Harrison in the other arm. David is crying when I get back to him.
Note: When I am alone during the day with them I usually feed them like this:
And they like it. The folded blankets next to them hold the bottles up.
But only one of them was eating from a bottle this time so I get on the floor and put Harrison on the blanket and latch David again. Then I realize before I can feed Harrison he needs a burp cloth underneath him because the milk runs down his chin. The burp cloth was across the room. So I have to put David down again and grab it. Okay NOW I'm ready. I get David back on and get the bottle in Harrison's mouth and they're off!
Then it was great.
It's fun.
...Seriously. I love them.