So I've been on a little slump from internets. A lot of things have happened, but the main thing going on is our recent decision to homeschool our kids (Mind you, I do know that there are many things to deal with before that. So we're dealing with those things as they come, AND preparing for this). It was a very scary thought - me trying to teach my kids everything I learned from k-12.
But it's not about all the facts, it's about teaching them about the world. Your children can get facts online and in books (which we have exorbitant amounts of). What I can do is teach them how to feel and learn and do. I am no longer afraid because I am not insecure about my lack of intelligence about every single thing. You don't need to know everything your professors know about all subjects in order to teach your children. You can learn with them, read with them, speak with them, play with them, cook with them, garden with them, etc! I still don't know a lot about how I am going to do it and what every day will be like - but who does? I bought this book so I could learn more about different methods and get questions answered and confirm our decision.
Although I already feel a confirmation from the Lord.
I have only read one chapter, and I enjoy it. When I finish it I will let you know if I recommend the read or not.
Some other things:
1. We are officially debt free.
2. We were finally able to buy a washer and dryer. We don't have to drive to his parents' house every time we need something clean now!
3. General Conference was amazing.
4. We bought a cube shelf and dresser to complete the babies' room.
5. Dave's sisters threw an awesome baby shower for me 2 weeks ago and now we have lots of baby stuff (lots for someone who's never had children). And I can fill the dresser with cute tiny boy clothes. And I want to eat them.
6. I love Dave. He still makes me melt.
7. We are going to repaint the house and the kitchen.
8. My three best friends right now (other than Dave) are Target, Barnes and Noble, and popsicles.
9. I am basically the supervisor at work now. I work in a lab and three greenhouses and we are sampling tree roots from a nursery right now looking for cysts (in this case Nematodes) so that we can give them the okay to ship them to Canada. So far there have been cysts in almost every batch so they cannot ship them yet. Anyway, even the guys that have worked there for 15 years are going through me and asking me to identify for them.
10. The babies should be almost 2 lbs. by now. Apparently they sleep as much as a newborn baby does, but they kick and shift all day long. Maybe they just sleep like I do...
11. I have always wanted to raise chickens, and Dave and I found out we are allowed to keep chickens in our backyard and use their eggs. It would be so fun and hilarious, especially with kids. We will wait another year or two after the babies are born.